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Sudo and other ways to avoid root!
Interview With John Ousterhout - Author of Tcl/TK
Netcat - Network Connection Made Easy
GPL and MPL explained
Linux Security Tips for Redhat Distribution
Data file formats for TCL scripts

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Adding the hostname to the XTERM titlebar - dead simple!
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Useful Tip # 7

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To build a rpm as a user and not as a root you need to setup a similar directory structure as your system requires. Under Caldera the RPMs are built under /usr/src/OpenLinux. Under Redhat it's under /usr/src/redhat.

The above directories contain the following subdirectories


First create a directory that will be your base RPM environment. I've set it up this way.

        mkdir /home/username/myrpms

Edit the file /home/username/.rpmmacros with your favorite editor to include the line

        %_topdir /home/username/myrpms

Thank to Tom Rothamel for this tip.

Other Tips

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